Friday, February 22, 2013

Goodbye John...

So, multiple people have gone out and found my Pester Chums series I planted in August 2012. The last few to find my boxes reported that my John Egbert box was missing. I trusted what these letterboxers said since they were experienced letterboxers. The last time it was reported the John was missing, along with the last box in the series, a new letterboxer falsely reported that they were gone because they "didn't understand" the clues and didn't have a compass. Anyways, I still went out with Tyrus to check on the boxes. Surely enough, John had gone missing. We searched the stump inside and out, along with the ground in the area. Sadly the box is gone so I must recarve the stamp. I don't mind recarving it since one of the other stamps in the series is so much harder to carve and luckily isn't missing. The thing that puzzles me is that out of all the boxes that I planted there, John Egbert was probably the most secure box in the series, yet it went missing. It's likely that an animal carried it off since it was hidden so close to the woods. I don't know, but I hope to recarve and replant him soon.
There was a nice sunset while we were scurrying around to check on our boxes before it was too dark out.
Now, earlier that day (2/18/13), we had to stop by an army surplus store to get some boots for Tyrus. This was my first time going there and boy did they have some awesome stuff. Letterbixing stuff, that is. We saw these really cool boxes that could make some awesome letterboxes, but $20 for a box is a bit much.... they were still cool, though.

I also found these water proof match holders. They are quiet small but could make awesome micro boxes.
Then we found it....... See, I really like bags. Not like purses and stuff. I like outdoors bags, back packs, laptop bags, satchels, that sort of stuff. Well, I came across this bag that I think would make an awesome letterboxing bag. It has a ton of pockets. I mean, just look at all those pockets!

Then there's plenty of room inside the bag to put maps, clues, logbooks...

Then it has a water proof pocket that can keep your clues safe from water!!!
I really like this bag. Maybe I'll save up for it and buy it some time. It's like $40-$50.
Well, that is all for now.
Oh! It is official! I am hosting the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who event on July 27th. Hope to see some of you there!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Postals vs Traditionals

Winter. Oh winter. It can be quite difficult to letterbox in the snow. Luckily, you can still "letterbox" through the mail!
There's some upsides and downsides to postals. In the winter months when it's too cold or too snowy out, postals are a great thing to do. You sign up on a postal tracker and wait for it to be mailed to you.  It brings the box to you during the winter months. In the package is a stamp and a logbook just like any box, except there's no actual box.
I have done three postals so far and I enjoy them. I love going out to my mail box to discover a letterbox inside my mail box.
But with postals you loose the satisfaction of having to wade knee deep in brush in search for the box.

So which do you like? Postals or traditional letterboxes?
