Today our goal was to letterbox in Grove City. Left at 9am and got home at 2:30pm. My friend spirit Horse joined us for this adventure. Our first stop was at Concord Cemetery. Was a nice cemetery. Found 6 boxes there in total, one of which was a Hitchhiker Hostel. I had never found one of those before and it was pretty neat. Within the box was a stamp that stayed there and 3 HHs. If you take a HH you must leave a HH. Out of the 4 stamps in the box, all but one was a flower! That was interesting. How often would you come across that? I took the nonflower HH and left a nonflower HH. While we were stamping all the HH and such I felt like something small was biting my leg. I thought I just had something stuck to the end of my capris and it was poking me. Found out, we were being bitten by fire ants!! Fire ants in Ohio!!!! Got back in the car and rubbed my leg down with hand sanitiser. It helped a bit but not for long. We found 2 boxes that Pioneer Spirit planted. I really like his boxes. They seem to last a very long time. The 2 we found were both hidden in 2007. That's a good amount of time for a box!
Our next stop was Fryer Park. That was a neat park. We were looking for some stamps in a series of The Twelve Days of Christmas. These boxes were all over Grove City and we didn't find many of them. I really liked "Chariots of Fire" that was dedicated to those you died during NASA space missions. There was a rusty man hole that Tyrus sat on and he said "Now I'm going to have a rusty butt!" That was funny.... we searched the pine trees for the box and they were all prickly so no one really wanted to put their hand in the tree. We found the box and found a HH in it! it was so tiny and in this cute little tiny container. For a hand carved HH that was about the size of a dime, it was very well done. We took the HH and left the HH we took earlier.
After that we were headed into the woods in the park but we didn't know where the entrance to the path was. "We don't have to find these boxes if you all don't want to." I said. "What!? Morgan opting to skip a letterbox? Are you okay? You feeling well?" Mother Hen said. I covered half of my face up with the clues as every one was giggling, asking if they had the right person and that I wasn't traded with another. We found the entrance. Haven't boxed in the woods for a while so it was fun, wet but fun. We found the first box in the series and we all had to stand up and balance logbooks, stamps, and stamp pads since it was too wet to sit down. We progressed onward in search for the next box. We kept searching and searching and rereading the clues and we couldn't find the landmark we were looking for that led up to the box. As the rest of my group ventured forward along the trail in search for this land mark, I said, "Adventure Time!" and made my way into the woods. Through the brush and many cobwebs in my face, I found the huge fallen tree. I had to climb up on this wet log, move away branches to move forward, jump off the log,walk a little bit, jump back on the log, jump off it again at the end, and dig through some bark and wood to find the box. I stood up on the log, held the box in the air and yelled "I found it!" only to find out that none of them could find me in the woods. I made my way back covered in dirt and everyone gathered around to stamp the stamp. We almost gave up on the box. after we were done I ventured in the woods once again with Tyrus following at my heels to put the box back. There were many times that we almost walked through a big spider web with a fat spider on it, face first.
Next stop was City Hall. There were more of the "Twelve days of Christmas" boxes hidden there. of the three in that area we could could only find one. The other spots were weird and people working in the building could easily see through the window and watch you dig through bushes to find the boxes.
After that our last stop was at Windsor Park. There was a 3 stamp series there ans I was sad to find out that they had to retire the first stamp in the series. I guess I would too if I had to recarve it 3 times. the two that were active were an easy find and we stood there in the parking lot stamping away on the trunk of the car. Many people walked by and checkout what we were doing but non of them asked or stayed long enough to ask.
We left from there and dropped off Spirit Horse and was home in a couple of minuets. We ate lunch and headed over to my house. I jumped on the computer and logged all my finds and such and began writing this blog. I check AQ and saw there was a new plant just minuets from my house! I asked my mom to take us and a couple hours later we were off to find the box!
Got to the cemetery and found the box. We were first finders!! Tyrus and I have been first finders only once before but the rest of my family hasn't. We took the "First Finders" card in the box and stuck it in my family logbook. After that my mom and little brother were off to find the boxes Tyrus and I planted. I had to help Gavin with all the clues and ended up stamping everything for him. He is well capable to do it on is own but he wont focus long enough to do anything. As we were stamping in my last box, I found that once again I was near some fire ants... this time they didn't bite me.
After all of the adventure today I'm ready to sleep for all of winter! The rain held off and we were eaten my fire ants but it's all for the love of letterboxing!
Oh! And I can't forget! Today's Llama Awards!
Dancing Skeleton by Transient Toadstool
Happy Howloween by Transient Toadstool
Wish you had on the trail perhaps? by Pioneer Spirit
Wish you had before going on the trail perhaps? by Pioneer Spirit
Chariots of Fire by Halloweeners
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