Tyrus we at a family birthday party and could join us. We went around London (not England, silly!) and searched for tons of boxes. A lot of the boxes we were looking for we gone and that was a bit upsetting. Also, some of the the places where the clues told us to go were horrible spots to begin with. Hidden at an Elementary school? With today's day and society, I don't think that's such a great idea. People snooping around a school, digging through bushes and trees. To the school, that could look a bit sketchy and can send the school in lock down if they are in school. Then another spot was just hidden in some decorative grass along the fence. It was a long stretch of grass and not specified where along the grass it was. This grass was wouldn't last in winter and was just all stringy.
With letterboxing does come disappointments but luckily we were able to find some boxes! Of the boxes we did find, only one of them were new to Mama Hunting Dog. All of them were new to me. A bunch of the boxes we found were actually her's. I would read the clues and try to find them on my own, then she would check the boxes for any needed repairs and such. It was very interesting.
One thing I like about letterboxing is that you go to places you didn't even know/notices was there. We drive by the same locations everyday and don't realize the places around us. When we went letterboxing I discovered many new cemeteries that I didn't know existed! Now I know a bunch of places to hide letterboxes!!
While out with MHD there was one place we went to find a box that was at a crazy intersection. In this area there use to be a log cabin there but all that is left is part of the chimney. It was a cool spot to hide a box but there's nowhere to park. So we had to pull to the side of the road, park, turn on the car's blinkers and got out of the car. We brought along a small trash bag to pick up some trash. as soon as we got out of the car a police man stopped by us! "Is everything okay?"the officer asked. "Just picking up some trash!" MHD responded holding up the trash bag. It was a bit scary. We did pick up some trash before and after I logged the stamp. It was a dirty place!
One of the last boxes we went to find (we weren't leaving without finding it) was the first box Mama Huntin Dog has ever found! The Class of '99 was planted in May of 2006 and still alive and kicking!! It was cool finding the first box that she found since she introduced LB to me.
Our last stop was at Jeeves' house! Jeeves......... no matter what, if you become very active in letterboxing there will always be one letterboxer that you want to meet. For me and Tyrus the one letterboxer we wanted to me was Jeeves! We stopped by her house to say hi and to do a stamp exchange. I was very excited to meet her! We exchanges signature stamps and told her about our day. It was cool. And little did I know, but a few days before a woman on FaceBook sent me a friend request. The only person who was friends with her was MHD. I discovered that this women was Jeeves!
On the way back to my house we had to stop by Beardog's house to get a few of MHD's boxes. I've met her and her sister once before at the Franklin County Fair. We went inside and got the boxes and found out they had a beautiful St. Banard named Beardog.
Almost every we were in the car driving to the next location I was busy stamping away. She grabbed a box she hid at the library so I could stamp it since the library wasn't open on Sundays. she also had some boxes that she pulled for various reason that she let me stamp plus all of her personal traveler, which I had to answer some questions or tell a story to stamp the PT.
It was a very busy day with a lot of stamping. I filled up 3 full pages in my log book with all those stamps! I also gave MHD my 2 LTCs that I've made and she gave me half a dozen of LTCs she has done. I like LTCs and have all my cards in a sleeves and in a binder.
I have started up school.... for me that means I can't letterbox that much anymore :( I am lucky if I have free weekend this school year. I am in an AP class and some accelerated classes and I tend to get a ton of homework. It has taken me 3 day just to write this blog post!
Well, we've reached over 100 subscribers! Woot! Woot! I thought that I would get a few subscribers who might just glance at my post. I did expect to get 100 subscribers! Here is a look of the stamp I carved for my Jenny the "Face of a Time Lord" series and my Jenny LTC!
Feel free to contact me if you want one of my LTCs! There are only 25 Jenny LTCS!